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vb. To clean with a vacuum cleaner.


v. clean with a vacuum cleaner; "vacuum the carpets" [syn: vacuum, hoover]

Usage examples of "vacuum-clean".

At once, small multilegged robots scuttled forth from the shadows, undulating, wrapping sinuously around him and racing over his skin and clothing with tiny vacuum-cleaner probosci.

I'd talk to a census taker, a vacuum-cleaner salesman, a religious zealot.

Every morning, she vacuum-cleaned for at least two hours, and watched the television at the same time.

Susan could tell that she was torn between going back to her vacuum-cleaning and broaching the subject of Gil Miller.

Her grandmother looked up from her vacuum-cleaning with a hurt, impatient expression, but Susan tried to ignore her.

A dapper young fellow was vacuum-cleaning a carpet upon which stood two figures that looked as if some blast had just worked havoc with them.

Mr Penrose died in nineteen fifty-nine, in a bizarre vacuum-cleaning incident.

She was vacuum-cleaning the passage right up to the door at the end when she noticed what she thought was a brown silk slip lying on the floor at the base of the locked door.