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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Vacillation \Vac`il*la"tion\, n. [L. vacillatio: cf. F. vacillation.] 1. The act of vacillating; a moving one way and the other; a wavering.

His vacillations, or an alternation of knowledge and doubt.
--Jer. Taylor.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1400, "hesitation, uncertainty," from Latin vacillationem (nominative vacillatio) "a reeling, wavering," noun of action from past participle stem of vacillare "sway to and fro, waver, hesitate, be untrustworthy," of uncertain origin. Originally in reference to opinion or conduct; literal sense is recorded from 1630s.


n. 1 indecision in speech or action. 2 Changing location by moving back and forth.

  1. n. indecision in speech or action [syn: hesitation, wavering]

  2. changing location by moving back and forth [syn: swing, swinging]

Usage examples of "vacillation".

With respect, eparch, I would not like our leniency to be misconstrued as vacillation or weakness.

She saw the strength of her own will, opposed to the vacillation and indecision of Vara Liso.

Mainly, however, this deviation is due to the influence exercised upon the proletariat and on the Russian Communist Party by the petty-bourgeois element, which is exceptionally strong in our country and which inevitably engenders vacillation towards anarchism, particularly at times when the condition of the masses has greatly deteriorated as a consequence of the crop failure and the devastating effects of war, and when the demobilisation of the army numbering millions sets loose thousands of peasants and workers, unable immediately to find regular means of livelihood.

His vacillations between law and medicine lasted so long that midsummer arrived before he finally separated from Mr. Badger and entered on an experimental course of Messrs.

You know that she's been puzzled, and hurt, by Vanteer's vacillations because she genuinely li%es him and trusts him as engineer.

If he had noticed the slightest symptom of vacillation, shame, or underhandedness on Helene's part, her game would have undoubtedly been lost.