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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Vaccinium Vitis-idaea

Cowberry \Cow"ber`ry\ (-b[e^]r`r[y^]), n.; pl. Cowberries (-r[i^]z). (Bot.) A species of Vaccinium ( Vaccinium Vitis-id[ae]a), which bears acid red berries which are sometimes used in cookery; -- locally called mountain cranberry.

Vaccinium vitis-idaea

lingenberry \lingenberry\ n. low evergreen shrub ( Vaccinium vitis-idaea) of high north temperate regions of Europe and Asia and America bearing red edible berries.

Syn: cowberry, mountain cranberry, lingonberry, lingberry, foxberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea.

Vaccinium vitis-idaea

Vaccinium vitis-idaea (lingonberry, partridgeberry, or cowberry) is a short evergreen shrub in the heath family that bears edible fruit, native to boreal forest and Arctic tundra throughout the Northern Hemisphere from Eurasia to North America. Lingonberries are picked in the wild and used to accompany a variety of dishes in Northern Baltoscandia. Commercial cultivation is undertaken in the U.S. Pacific Northwest.

Usage examples of "vaccinium vitis-idaea".

The leaves of other plants have been mistaken for Bearberry leaves, notably those of the Cowberry (Vaccinium Vitis-idaea) and of the Box (Buxus sempervirens), and have occasionally been used to adulterate the drug, but Bearberry leaves are readily distinguished by the characteristics given, viz.