Crossword clues for vacationers
n. (plural of vacationer English)
Usage examples of "vacationers".
If the FN-17 worked, then Company would simply vaccinate their employees and all the potential vacationers and real estate agents and miners who could turn Jeep from a financial embarrassment to a reasonable investment.
They packed the orbital disembarkation station at Baltimore, jostling for position with irritated tourists and vacationers, while worrying about the plethora of illegal instruments and devices snuggled in their luggage.
Fall vacationers and those getting away for the weekend moved more slowly, dragging too many pieces of home to really get away.
And now you are pushing your way forward, thrusting other vacationers aside, knocking over their strollers if necessary, because little Jason wants to ride on Space Mountain.
Spain with the bodies of two hundred stupid vacationers on their way to Lisbon, and relieving the world of the burden of surplus population, for anyone who would fly through so perfect a moment was, by definition, an expendable being.
Somebody in authority had thought them worth the expense of a suborbital flight in a military craftand worth all the broken windows and deafened vacationers in Nevada before they got above the atmosphere.