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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Utter \Ut"ter\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Uttered; p. pr. & vb. n. Uttering.] [OE. outren, freq. of outen to utter, put out, AS. [=u]tian to put out, eject, fr. [=u]t out. [root]198. See Out, and cf. Utter, a.]

  1. To put forth or out; to reach out. [Obs.]

    How bragly [proudly] it begins to bud, And utter his tender head.

  2. To dispose of in trade; to sell or vend. [Obs.]

    Such mortal drugs I have, but Mantua's law Is death to any he that utters them.

    They bring it home, and utter it commonly by the name of Newfoundland fish.
    --Abp. Abbot.

  3. hence, to put in circulation, as money; to put off, as currency; to cause to pass in trade; -- often used, specifically, of the issue of counterfeit notes or coins, forged or fraudulent documents, and the like; as, to utter coin or bank notes.

    The whole kingdom should continue in a firm resolution never to receive or utter this fatal coin.

  4. To give public expression to; to disclose; to publish; to speak; to pronounce. ``Sweet as from blest, uttering joy.''

    The words I utter Let none think flattery, for they 'll find 'em truth.

    And the last words he uttered called me cruel.

    Syn: To deliver; give forth; issue; liberate; discharge; pronounce. See Deliver.


vb. (en-past of: utter)


adj. communicated in words; "frequently uttered sentiments" [syn: expressed, verbalized, verbalised]

Usage examples of "uttered".

Villefort uttered a sigh that was almost a sob, and sank into a chair.

These words were an allusion to the sentiments which the minister of police had uttered with so much confidence an hour before.

Dantes uttered blasphemies that made his jailer recoil with horror, dashed himself furiously against the walls of his prison, wreaked his anger upon everything, and chiefly upon himself, so that the least thing, -- a grain of sand, a straw, or a breath of air that annoyed him, led to paroxysms of fury.

At last, with a horrible splash, he darted like an arrow into the ice-cold water, and as he did so he uttered a shrill cry, stifled in a moment by his immersion beneath the waves.

He rose again to the surface, struggled with the last desperate effort of a drowning man, uttered a third cry, and felt himself sinking, as if the fatal cannon shot were again tied to his feet.

Dantes was so exhausted that the exclamation of joy he uttered was mistaken for a sigh.

This time he fell on his knees, and, clasping his hands convulsively, uttered a prayer intelligible to God alone.

Dantes, -- for you understand, I repeat his words just as he uttered them.

Scarcely had he uttered those words than Madame Morrel entered weeping bitterly.

These last words were uttered in so low a tone that the stranger could not hear them.

Julie uttered a faint cry, blushed like a rose, and leaned against the baluster.

The young girl uttered a joyful cry, raised her eyes, looked round to question the messenger, but he had disappeared.

Morrel uttered a cry of surprise at the sight of his son, of whose arrival he was ignorant.

Albert, who was a great smoker, and who had considered it no small sacrifice to be deprived of the cigars of the Cafe de Paris, approached the table, and uttered a cry of joy at perceiving some veritable puros.

Monte Cristo was playing, but every word he uttered had such an air of simplicity, that it was impossible to suppose what he said was false -- besides, why should he tell a falsehood?