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n. (plural of utricle English)

Usage examples of "utricles".

In the second specimen, the primordial utricles were considerably shrunk and brownish after 2 hrs.

The spherical glands were still white, but their utricles were broken up into three or four small hyaline spheres, with an irregularly contracted mass in the middle of the basal part.

The utricles of the oblong glands had shrunk very little, but their contents were somewhat aggregated.

After six additional hours their primordial utricles were greatly shrunk.

Two other summits, with their glands colourless and their utricles not shrunk, were treated with the same solution of urea.

Most of the oblong glands were now dark brown, but their utricles were not greatly shrunk.

Many of the oblong glands were brown, and these, as well as others which still remained colourless, had their utricles more or less shrunk, some of them including small aggregated masses of matter.

If glands which have already become brown, with their primordial utricles shrunk, are irrigated with one of the effective solutions, they are not acted on, or only slightly and slowly.

Many of the papillae within both the utricles and necks were discoloured, as if they had absorbed matter.