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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Utilize \U"til*ize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Utilized; p. pr. & vb. n. Utilizing.] [Cf. F. utiliser.] To make useful; to turn to profitable account or use; to make use of; as, to utilize the whole power of a machine; to utilize one's opportunities.

In former ages, the mile-long corridors, with their numerous alcoves, might have been utilized as . . . dungeons.


vb. (present participle of utilize English)

Usage examples of "utilizing".

In fact, the dragons already were much stronger than similar equines, their basic structure much more durable, utilizing carborundums for strength and resilience.

Mitford quickly organized a camp, utilizing the specific qualities of the aliens and assigning tasks to every one in this unusual community.

Combined with thranx gestures and the resident humans' best attempts to imitate these utilizing only two hands instead of four, it formed a kind of casual symbolic speech.

And by utilizing that rocky eastern coast, your preserve will be sacrosanct.

Keff paused and nodded and smiled in between the flowery statements, waiting for IT to cycle back translations to him utilizing the growing catalog it was picking up of the spoken language.

The display confirmed that the Trundimoux order for a five-place communications system utilizing black-crystal components had been received five days before.

Which, Killashandra mused, was fair enough since the vessel was traveling on a hyperbolic trajectory utilizing the gravitational pull of whatever suns or planets that deflected it.

Killashandra blessed her foresight in utilizing the sleep-teaching tapes she had copied from the Athena's comprehensive data retrieval system.

She and Sean were of one mind in nearly everything they did, utilizing their veterinary apprenticeship to breed strong horses, finding the very best among the genetic stock available from either the banks or the live stallions.

But he joined her in the pool, bath, splashing with small vehemence in the warm water, utilizing the superfluous suds from her cleansing sands to bathe himself.

Now then, standard rescue operations utilizing shuttlecraft are familiar to us all.

Some of the more tyrannical political groups had been secretly discussing utilizing them to enslave whole races.

We’ll have a level-one diagnostic this evening, utilizing the appropriate people.

Tests show that the material is incapable of utilizing it for replication.

Speaking frequently as they did with their four arms, it was a pleasure for a thranx to see a human similarly utilizing her limbs.