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vb. (en-past of: utilise)


adj. put to use [syn: utilized]

Usage examples of "utilised".

All the beds now had been utilised for food, and Donald had learned with backbreaking patience the art of growing it.

I believe he originally came to us in the guise of a gardener, but as we never pretended to have anything that could be considered a garden he was utilised as assistant goatherd, in which capacity, I understand, he gave every satisfaction.

Darwin gives a series of the most wonderful and minute contrivances, by which the visits of insects are utilised for the fertilisation of orchids - structures so wonderful that nothing could well be more so, except the attribution of their origin to minute, fortuitous, and indefinite variations.

Theatres utilised such gaps to run favourable newspaper quotes along them.

Indeed, few other crime writers have so cleverly utilised a knowledge of drugs and medicines to underpin their fictionas she demonstrates in the following mystery about Margaret Merrowdene who, after being accused of poisoning her first husband, has now married again.

Up to now extremely little has been done in this connection, and the experience of October was most inadequately utilised by the German Party.