Uthangarai is a Taluk, Town Panchayat in Krishnagiri district in the Tamil Nadu state of India. Also now Uthangarai has been announced as Constituency for State Legislative Assembly Election (from the election to be held on April 13, 2011), with population around 185,000 (approximately). Also it is a Reserved Constituency. This town comprises 185 revenue villages. Uthangarai is bounded by Vellore district in the North and Thiruvannamalai district in the East, Pochampalli taluk in the West and Dharmapuri District in the South. March–June is summer season, July–November is rainy and between December and February winter prevails. Three languages namely Tamil is the native language spoken across the taluk. Major religions are Hindu, Islam and Christianity.
Uthangarai (SC) is a state assembly constituency in Tamil Nadu, India newly formed after constituency delimitation. It is included in the Krishnagiri parliamentary constituency.
Party |----
Manoranjitham Nagaraj
Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam