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Urququcha (Huancavelica)

Urququcha ( Quechua urqu male; mountain, qucha lake, "mountain lake" or "male lake", hispanicized spelling Orcococha) is a lake in Peru located in the Huancavelica Region, Castrovirreyna Province, Santa Ana District, and in the Huaytará Province, Pilpichaca District. It is situated east of Chuqlluqucha and northwest of the smaller lake named Q'araqucha.

Urququcha (Cusco)

Urququcha (Quechua urqu male / mountain, qucha lake, "mountain lake" or "male lake", hispanicized spelling Orccococha) is a lake in Peru located in the Cusco Region, Chumbivilcas Province, Velille District. It is situated at a height of about , about 1.33 km long and 0.47 km at its widest point. Urququcha lies south-east of Velille and south of the lake Khirkiqucha.


Urququcha or Urqu Qucha (Quechua urqu male / mountain, qucha lake, "male lake" or "mountain lake", hispanicized spellings Orkho Khocha, Orccococha, Orcococha) or Urqunqucha (Quechua for "lake of the male" or "lake of the mountain", hispanicized Orconccocha, Orconcocha, Orgoncocha) may refer to:

  • Urqu Qucha (Bolivia), a lake in the Potosí Department, Bolivia
  • Urqunqucha, a lake in the Ayacucho Region, Peru
  • Urqunqucha, one of the two Llankanuku Lakes in the Yungay Province, Ancash Region, Peru
  • Urqunqucha (Mariscal Luzuriaga), a lake in the Mariscal Luzuriaga Province, Ancash Region, Peru
  • Urququcha (Apurímac), a lake in the Apurímac Region, Peru
  • Urququcha (Arequipa), a lake in the Arequipa Region, Peru
  • Urququcha (Cusco), a lake in the Cusco Region, Peru
  • Urququcha (Huancavelica), a lake in the Huancavelica Region, Peru
Urququcha (Apurímac)

Urququcha (Quechua urqu male animal; mountain, qucha lake, "male lake", hispanicized spelling Orccococha, Orjococha) is a lake in Peru located in the Apurímac Region, Grau Province, Curpahuasi District. It is situated west of Chinaqucha (Quechua for "female lake"), at the foot of Waman Ch'arpa.