Uriyadi is a Tamil-language action thriller film, directed and produced by Vijay Kumar in 2016. The main actors of the film are Vijay Kumar, Mime Gopi, Citizen Sivakumar, and Chandru Kumar. Songs in the film were composed by Masala Coffee, and the background score is by Vijay Kumar. Paul Livingstone was the cinematographer, and editing was handled by Abhinav Sunder Nayak. The production of this film began in July 2013 and was completed by October 2013, followed by a lengthy post-production process. The censor board gave the movie an "A" rating following the removal of several fight sequences. After obtaining the censor certificate, director Nalan Kumarasamy acted as co-producer to release the movie. Uriyadi was released in cinemas on May 27, 2016, to critical acclaim, with critics praising its screenplay and fight sequences. The movie was released without much promotion, so its reach among general audiences was minimal. But nearly a month after release, the film gained greater recognition, with most praise going to the director, Vijay Kumar, for his courage in representing such a strong social message.