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vb. (en-past of: urinate)

Usage examples of "urinated".

That evidently annoyed the creature, for it either urinated or defecated into his hand: a little smear of pale yellow matter.

One of their capabilities was to make a crude little image of a man, using the mud from a place where he had recently urinated, and then, by subjecting that doll to certain indignities, to make the man himself suffer an unexplainable pain or illness or madness or lust or loss of memory or even loss of his possessions until he became impoverished.

Whenever the chief felt the urge to relieve himself, she held the bowl and he urinated into it.

Perhaps their beards gave them some protection against the prickles and, for all I know, they always urinated red.

Then, when the West Memphis Police Department asked him what he knew about the murder and he stated someone had urinated into one of the victim’s mouth, they denied Steve Jones knew this and stated that only someone at the murder scene would be aware of this information.

He urinated abundantly, holding his breath so as not to inhale the intense ammonia smell which brought out tears in him.

A half hour later he went to the toilet, urinated, and before leaving flushed the clandestine note down the toilet.

I hobbled to the toilet cubby and urinated through a filter, trying to catch the stone that was causing my intermittent agony.

I knew, vaguely, that Aenea was not there -- that I would never have urinated in front of anyone like that, much less in front of this girl.

He knew that Magara was always the ringleader in any such unpleasantness, so he produced a live scorpion from her ear and held it inches in front of her face, which reduced her to such paroxysms of terror that she urinated in little squirts down her legs.

He urinated at last, which Taita declared to be beneficial, even though his water was dark yellow and acrid.

She ripped her own breast with the tiny jewelled dagger she always carried, urinated down her legs, and rolled in the mud she had created.

He urinated without getting up, the rich and dismaying smell of his digestion's unsavory end product rising thickly around him.

Quickly he urinated, soaked a towel in warm water, grabbed it, and got back into bed.

Fernanda had to swallow her scruples and their guests of the worst sort like kings as they muddied the porch with their boots, urinated in the garden.