Ureinung is a 2013 Manipuri film directed by Pilu Heigrujam and produced by Bandana Maisnam and Ilu, under the banner of Bandana films. It stars Sonia Samjetsabam as the titular protagonist with Rahul in the lead, with Indu, Danny Likmabam, Chitra Pangabam, Mangoljao, Dev, Bebeto, Bidyalaxmi, Mango and Raj Elangbam playing supporting roles. It narrates the story of a girl Ureinung. It was played by Sonia Samjetsabam.
Ureinung is based on the music video with the same name, which stars Nirmal Kangjam and Sonia Samjetsabam. In the film, Nirmal Kangjam is replaced by Rahul and Sonia Hijam by Chitra Pangabam. The background score of the film was given by Bishow Ch.