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Urbanspoon was a restaurant information and recommendation service founded in 2006 by former Jobster employees that offered its services in North America and parts of English-speaking Australasia and Europe. In January 2015, Zomato, an India-based restaurant search and discovery service, acquired Urbanspoon.

The Urbanspoon website and Seattle business operation initially evolved with addition of content team workers for door-to-door data collection of restaurant information, an operational design that had served Zomato well in India. However, Zomato discontinued the Urbanspoon website on June 1, 2015, redirecting Urbanspoon traffic to Zomato servers; at the same time, Urbanspoon's logo was incorporated into a new Zomato logo.

Zomato ceased earlier Urbanspoon app development, leading to departure of all Seattle engineers by August 2015. Mid-October 2015, multiple U.S. Zomato (previously Urbanspoon) offices were closed, including the former corporate headquarters in Seattle. Business reports as of October 2015 indicate either that Zomato-Urbanspoon has ceased all U.S. operations, or that it will retain a couple of sites, including Dallas, the new site of Zomato's U.S. administrative functions.