Usage examples of "upwith".
Almost unnoticed, he has also askeda third question, placin' the odds of comin' upwith an acceptable response well out of reach ofthe intellects in line with us.
Finally the corporal gets fed upwith shoutin' at our young magician and sendshim off the line for a "break" until he has rested hisvoice a bit.
It occurs to me that until my cousin comes upwith a surefire sales pitch to settle things, all thattakin' a peace-maker role is accomplishin' is com-mittin' us not to shoot back when the troublestarts!
Let him play his parlourgames too long, and she might be manoeuvred into putting upwith him for more than the afternoon.
Cued by striding footfalls, accompanied by the quickpatter of feet as a much shorter servant attempted to keep upwith the long-legged barbarian, Mara bade the pair enterbefore either had a chance to knock.