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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Upmost \Up"most`\, a. [Cf. Uppermost.] Highest; topmost; uppermost.
--Spenser. Dryden.


a. 1 uppermost. 2 (misspelling of utmost English)


adj. at or nearest to the top; "the uppermost book in the pile"; "on the topmost step" [syn: topmost, uppermost]

Usage examples of "upmost".

For he is the Master of Measure, and weighs, Broad as the arms of his blue, Fine as the web of his rays, Justice, whose voice is a melody clear, The one sure life for the numbered long, From him are the brutal and vain, The vile, the excessive, out-thrust: He points to the God on the upmost throne: He is the saver of grain, The sifter of spirit from dust.

Logically, it's running away under the sea level, but some of it must be seeping out over the upmost edge of the cap rock.