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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Any plate tectonics model of the Andes must in fact account for the uplift essentially in terms of vertical tectonics.
▪ Each was a weekend retreat for white-collar workers and gentry for purposes of education and uplift.
▪ Gandhi gave the party some attention but social uplift absorbed more of him.
▪ Morris suddenly felt tired; the doctored wine was not giving him the uplift he needed.
▪ The base filter media is coral gravel supported by Hagen undergravel interlocking plates with uplift tubes either side of the tank.
▪ The three environments were there all the time, just oscillating backwards and forwards a little in relation to uplift inland.
▪ These areas have apparently acquired an enhanced vitrinite reflectance which has led to an apparent overestimate of uplift.
▪ This year it is pinning its hopes on an 8% uplift in passenger growth to around the 82m mark.
▪ Anna uses essential oils in her bath as well as for skin-care and as perfume to uplift her spirits.
▪ He took her hand and turned it over to see the small, uplifted palm.
▪ If they are confident and compassionate, we are uplifted and encouraged.
▪ It uplifted him, as it always did.
▪ The arm, uplifted in a cheery wave, is bony, frail, almost opalescent.
▪ This is an uplifting story of triumph by a black woman who overcame adversity and became an inspiration for millions.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Uplift \Up*lift"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Uplifting.] To lift or raise aloft; to raise; to elevate; as, to uplift the arm; to uplift a rock.

Satan, talking to his nearest mate, With head uplift above the wave, and eyes That sparkling blazed.


Uplift \Up"lift`\, n. (Geol.) A raising or upheaval of strata so as to disturb their regularity and uniformity, and to occasion folds, dislocations, and the like.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-14c., from up (adv.) + lift (v.). Related: Uplifted; uplifting.


1845, from up (adj.) + lift (n.).


n. 1 The act or result of being uplifted. 2 (context geology English) A tectonic upheaval, especially one that takes place in the process of mountain building. 3 (context colloquial English) A brassiere that raises the breasts. vb. To raise something or someone to a higher physical, social, moral, intellectual, spiritual or emotional level.

  1. n. (geology) a rise of land to a higher elevation (as in the process of mountain building) [syn: upheaval, upthrow, upthrust]

  2. a brassiere that lifts and supports the breasts

  3. v. fill with high spirits; fill with optimism; "Music can uplift your spirits" [syn: elate, lift up, pick up, intoxicate] [ant: depress]

  4. lift up from the earth, as by geologic forces; "the earth's movement uplifted this part of town"

  5. lift up or elevate


Uplift may refer to:

  • Tectonic uplift, a geological process
  • Uplift (science fiction), upgrading the capacities of a species or a civilization.
    • Uplift Universe, the setting for a series of novels by David Brin in which Biological Uplift is a central aspect
  • Stellar uplift, the theoretical prospect of moving a stellar mass
  • 'Uplift factor', or simply "uplift", the adjustments to employee salaries or benefits, especially in countries of the British Commonwealth
  • Uplift modelling, the uplift of a marketing campaign is usually defined as the difference in response rate between a treated group and a randomized control group
  • Uplifting trance, a musical genre similar to progressive trance
  • "Uplift", a song by Pantera from their 2000 album Reinventing the Steel
  • "Uplift", a Pegasus Award winning song by Andrew Eigel
Uplift (science fiction)

In science fiction, uplift is a developmental process to transform a certain species of animals into more intelligent beings by other, already-intelligent beings. This is usually accomplished by evolutional interventions like genetic engineering but any fictional or real process can be used. The concept appears in David Brin's Uplift series and other science fiction works.

Usage examples of "uplift".

Surely, in these names, and such as these, there can be no uplift or inspiration to young men toward that unselfish service and earnest work which alone shall help toward the amelioration of the world.

He was careful not to try to refute the irrefutable, arguing instead that religion, faith, will always be more rewarding, more emotionally satisfying, more morally uplifting than philosophy, and that insofar as Christians led moral and productive lives the religion justified itself.

Broad and fair just beneath us, it narrows to a little strait of green between the butments that uplift the giant domes.

Now part of an uplifted mountain, now sunk at the bottom of some sea, Centennial experienced wild fluctuations.

Jesus, accordingly, was crucified there, that the standards of martyrdom might be uplifted over what was formerly the place of the condemned.

It was the fragment of a vase, the half of a cylix, on which an orange goddess stood with uplifted spear.

Even to sit where a woman has sat, especially with divaricated thighs, as though to grant the last favours, most especially with previously well uplifted white sateen coatpans.

The talk at Gaillard was of battles and hostages, taxes and levies, of ransom, of the famine and hard times that war had brought to the provinces of the Angevins, and, more than all, of the persistent treachery and menace of the Franks As the castle uplifted its mass against the sky, Plantagenet policy with respect to this menace took shape and became mamfest.

CHAPTER IV THE UPLIFTING OF THE SWORDS Iberville and Gering sat on with the tobacco and the wine.

All your interest in uplifting them, in improving them crap, Gundy, they have their own culture.

At that distance, of course, the loopers sank through the soft hide of the shields and deep into the bodies of those who carried them, so that both of them dropped dead, the left-hand man being so close that he fell against my pony, his uplifted kerry striking me upon the thigh and bruising me.

Uplifted and folded into a series of parallel ridges during the orogeny that had brought the whole continent into sharp relief, the rugged terrain of this farthest east expansion of the extensive mountain system was clothed with verdant life.

The plain becomes studded in an instant with piles of corpses, even as the smiling surface of the sea will sometimes become studded in an instant with many islands uplifted by a sudden shock of earthquake.

Who would have thought that we dolphins, youngest registered sapient race in the Civilization of Five Galaxies, would become patrons ourselves, just a few centuries after humans started uplifting us.

Parliament, shewing the sinfulness and danger of this cursed Union, being contrar, not only to the honour, interest, and fundamental laws, and constitutions of the kingdom, and a palpable surrender of the sovereignty, rights and priviledges of the nation, but also a manifest breach of our Solemn League and Covenant, which was made and sworn with uplifted hands to the most high God, for purging and reforming the three nations from error, heresy, superstition and prophaneness, and whatever is contrar to sound doctrine, the power of godliness, and the purity of worship, discipline and government in the same.