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vb. (en-past of: upend)


adj. turned up on end

Usage examples of "upended".

Gravely, the officer raised the head of the upended axe to his lips and kissed the burnished metal.

He took one mouthful, spit it downhill, then threw back his head and upended the bottle, his throat working.

Ashbery, wearing tacklebag only and wiggling my legs in the air like an upended beetle.

My last shot upended me by the rhino-hide sofa, which kicked me full in the face with its square steel boot.

Seeing nothing suspicious, I untied the knotted ends and upended the sack.

For answer Moiraine took the leather pouch from her belt and upended it, spilling the contents on the table.

She was about to say so when Pegeen leaned luxuriously back, arching her neck pleasurably, and lowered the lighted end of the upended torch into her eagerly waiting mouth, plunging it half-way down to her stomach, it seemed to Maggie, who was too stunned to comment.

Rufus Bell was downstairs in his little asbestos empire, smoking unfiltered Camels and watching television on a little black-and-white set he had poised on an upended bucket, when Marsha drove her shoulder into the steel door of the boiler room.

Easyrider, sprawled out on a bloody table with his brains spilling out of his head, the cup of his skull upended next to him.

Then a dozen men, their arms and backs burly from stooping in Arkansas Valley truck farms, rolled it all the way over on to its roof and left it there like a turtle upended on a highway.

The next minute the whole floor was upended and they were all being tossed and swirled in a maelstrom of debris.