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up in arms

a. (context idiomatic English) angry; incensed; preparing for a fight.

Up in Arms

Up in Arms ( 1944) is a film directed by Elliott Nugent, and starring Danny Kaye and Dinah Shore. It was nominated for two Academy Awards in 1945.

Usage examples of "up in arms".

At this, her latent loathing, contempt and indignation rose up in arms.

And they got to do it with half the niggers, maybe, up in arms instead of doin’.

Northern abolitionists like Ralph Waldo Emerson made Brown a martyr, and Southern loyalists got up in arms, quite literally, at the idea that this might be the start of a trend.

Which factions-aside from the Norman-are going to rise up in arms in Munster?

Then, if all the countryside, noble and common, was up in arms against Righ Conan Mac Dallain.