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up bows

n. (plural of up bow English)

Usage examples of "up bows".

Even Tolui and his fellow shamans would take up bows and fight like any of their people once their magicking was done.

The U-boat came up bows first at an extraordinary angle, blown right out of her proper trim by the force of the explosion: clearly she was, for the moment, beyond control.

Two of the boys sent with the younger children into the woods had returned, calmly picked up bows dropped by the archers and were now shooting arrows into the backs of the men engaged in grappling with the women.

Outside the fence, more Sterkarms started to their feet, then snatched up bows, quivers, axes.

Humans picked up bows and quivers of arrows and picked off those Ogres who thought they could climb up the canyon walls to safety.

When he and Raymond had bunked off school, painted their faces with clay, taken up bows and arrows and sworn great and secret oaths.

Murmurs rose and fell like surf, with a subtle undertone of rattling wood, as men and women strapped on quivers, caught up bows.