Crossword clues for unzips
vb. (en-third-person singular of: unzip)
Usage examples of "unzips".
She unzips the cigarette pocket on the jacket's left sleeve, discovering the card from the curry house, the one Baranov had written Stella's address on.
She unzips the jacket and tucks a chemical thermometer under the right arm.
He unzips his bag and pulls out a letter Basil wrote to him more than a month ago.
A pair of tough-eyed Japanese kids throw down cigarettes as he hands one of them his helmet and unzips his parka.
Romy unzips his jacket, yanks wide his shirt, sending weak thrills of feeling through his skin—peace, calm, caring.
Zipper twisted into a spiral, during replication unzips, teeth a series of blocks and holes—round and square.
She reaches out, unzips his jacket, throws it open, "Or maybe his big gun, huh, that it?
Romy unzips his jacket, yanks wide his shirt, sending weak thrills of feeling through his skinpeace, calm, caring.
Zipper twisted into a spiral, during replication unzips, teeth a series of blocks and holesround and square.
He unzips his black backpack and puts the gun inside like a schoolboy putting away his lunch.
She unzips her backpack, takes out a pen from inside the pages of her diary, and hands it to me.
As he walks, he unzips the top of his rumpled white driving suit, slips his athletic arms out, and lets the top of the one-piece outfit hang about his lean waist.