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a. Free of worry.


adj. free of trouble and worry and care; "the carefree joys of childhood"; "carefree millionaires, untroubled financially" [syn: carefree]

Usage examples of "unworried".

That night, Joe and Big Chief drank absinthe from brandy snifters in a cafe unworried about war because the French had a bigger army than the Germans.

Phyllida Cres swell's voice was quiet and quite unworried by Mrs Greg son's tantrums.

Swanson had the clear, unworried face of a man contemplating a Sunday afternoon in a deck chair.

He watched the grid shift and the constellations change, just for something to do, knowing that somewhere inside himself he knew what this silently fabulous display signified, and unworried that its import was not quite immediately available to him, but lodged in some memorative backwater he knew he could explore if he really needed to.