Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Unworldly \Un*world"ly\, a.
Not worldly; spiritual; holy.
--Hawthorne. --
Un*world"li*ness, n.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. 1 Of or relating to the spiritual as opposed to the material. 2 Unconcerned with secular matters. 3 Lacking sophistication.
adj. not concerned with the temporal world or swayed by mundane considerations; "was unworldly and did not greatly miss worldly rewards"- Sheldon Cheney [ant: worldly]
not wise in the ways of the world; "either too unsophisticated or too honest to promise more than he could deliver"; "this helplessly unworldly woman"- Kate O'Brien [syn: unsophisticated]
Usage examples of "unworldly".
From the Misses Tripp we learn she was devoted, unselfish, unworldly and altogether a beautiful character.
Steely-white ovoids with a high unworldly hum were ascending two four six from beyond the arid pinkish mountains, catching the light of the unrisen sun: starships, archons jealous and watchful.
The only problem was limiting its class responses and papers to perceptions appropriate to a bright but unworldly lad from Iowa -- who had never been in an insane asylum or boot camp, and had only read about Bataan in the newspapers.
One of them, seated at the desk, was elderly, grey-haired, drably clad, drooping and physically frail, irresolute and in definably unworldly of aspect.
We find that while there is a perfectly genuine danger of fanaticism from the men who have unworldly ideals, the permanent and urgent danger of fanaticism is from the men who have worldly ideals.
This unworldly and monetarily unprofitable pattern of existence at least made Daloway an exciting thinker.
Jules Reginald Harlow, though he might be unworldly in matters of bail bonds, still had an implacable belief that justice should be done.
Damask might be only the daughter of a cobbler too unworldly to ply his trade and be prosperous, but if Mrs Greenway could in any way contrive it she was going to her husband with the 'three of everything' which made up a proper bridal chest.
The revolution can be nurtured in the pulpit, for the priests are by their training unworldly and idealistic creatures who respond to a vision of freedom and equality and brotherly love.
Ever since he had been back in Waldzell, and holding office as Magister Ludi, he had continually seen tangible symptoms of that danger: in the loyal but unworldly and formalistic methods of work among his own officials and in many of the other departments.
Much morp likely that he thought he could put the frighteners quite easily on a paralysed old man and an unworldly woman, and was currently underestimating both the princess’s courage and her husband’s inflexible honour.
Still, when you looked for it, the effect was striking, a lengthiness of jaw and a breadth of brow that seemed somehow unworldly.
Tenoctris was an unworldly person, a scholar rather than a public figure.