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a. Not whispered.

Usage examples of "unwhispered".

I thought of my mother in her coffin beneath the ground, of the profound silence that must reign in that dark space, broken only by the sounds of decomposition, or perhaps the echoes of footfalls from above, faint, murmurous voices carrying on one-sided conversations as the flesh melted from her bones and her bones crumbled to dust, until all that was left of her was held in the air like a last breath never to be released, a final secret forever unwhispered to any living soul.

Is that what civilization is: an unwhispered agreement that no one, no matter how insignificant, should be allowed to lose face?

For years it had been his unwhispered ambition to see his favorite happily married to a man who was worthy of the priceless treasure.

It was the ancient story, even told direct in the open, unwhispered, even told now, at such an hour and place.