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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unwearied \Un*wea"ried\, a. Not wearied; not fatigued or tired; hence, persistent; not tiring or wearying; indefatigable. -- Un*wea"ried*ly, adv. -- Un*wea"ried*ness, n.


adv. In an unwearied manner; not weariedly; without being weary.

Usage examples of "unweariedly".

Miss Danton still zealously and unweariedly continued her mission of love.

The overcharged and somewhat fantastic ideal of friendship which she unweariedly strove to realize in her relations with various persons, was so sincere and earnest in heart, that no one, who appreciates it, can suffer himself to ridicule, though he may smile at, its apparent affectation on the surface.

To this end, most acceptable in the sight of God, our attention has long been unweariedly devoted.

The same sculptor, who unweariedly refines day after day to put in marble the image which haunts him, forms no such image of a woman whom he seeks unceasingly, or, if he does, he descends on one of the first twenty he meets and thinks he adores her.

So solidly built that it fears no weather, with a round bottom, tossed about unceasingly on the waves like a cork, always on top, always thrashed by the harsh salt winds of the English Channel, it ploughs the sea unweariedly with bellying sail, dragging along at its side a huge trawling net, which scours the depths of the ocean, and detaches and gathers in all the animals asleep in the rocks, the flat fish glued to the sand, the heavy crabs with their curved claws, and the lobsters with their pointed mustaches.