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a. Not wake; dormant, asleep.

Usage examples of "unwaking".

Even what we first supposed were cattle lying down, were only bed-grounds, the occupants having been humanely relieved by unwaking sleep.

He wanted nothing so much as to curl up in sleep, a sleep without dreams, and remain unwaking for a long, long time.

I drew the soul out of his mouth, and in his sleep, unwaking, he moved against me, as if we lay beneath the sea.

Still I had turned from those steps up which the others climbed, their faces without expression, their eyes set in unblinking stares, all which had made them the comrades I had known either wrung from them or sent into an unwaking inner slumber.

I twist about in anguish, in excruciation at the horrors with which my grotesque unwaking imagination has visited me.

Or maybe it would just keep getting worse, until we found a way to solve it or until her waking life and this nightmare unwaking state became one and the same.

Yet until we understand, all the implications, all the sources and ends of our unwaking invention, until then our futures and beings are mortgaged to the machines.

Again he opened the door to the top floor apartment, hurried through the first room past the unwaking Jutta where her high breast gleamed from under the sheet, past the full basin and into the smaller, cold lair.

Can it be that Christ and Herod, Paul and Nero, Timour and Fenelon, drop through the blind trap of death into precisely the same condition of unwaking sleep?