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a. Not utilized; unused.

Usage examples of "unutilized".

We cannot permit his neglect to be unutilized because of private feelings or dealings.

Some score of sizable rivers run unutilized in the Province to-day, of which the Talavera alone could irrigate, if put in complete harness, 10,000 hectares of rice land.

You leave good chances unutilized and spend your strength in proving and establishing unimportant things.

I was, of course, privy to this difficulty when I planned the present work, and entered upon it with no expectation that I should be able to embellish it with, almost, more than a very small number of hitherto unutilized notions.

Have the order broadcast and displayed on those overhead signs, then turn over unutilized lanes to FEMA.

But he merely divides the succulent stem close to the surface of the ground, above or below, and leaves the wreck unutilized even by him.

The scattered pages of this Narrative-Commentary, thus assembled and added to the forty or so unutilized pages of the original that had been set aside, now comprise the Narrative-Commentary section, with only a few pages missing from the whole.

I had never before attempted to mesh with another mind possessing a previously unutilized plug, but the reactions of your mind and body were so smooth that I determined to proceed.

Contrasting those unutilized riches with the smallness and starkness of her own home, and picturing the poverty, misery and crowding on Earth, Genna felt a resurgence of her resentment of people who would reserve such a world for animals.

Some score of sizable rivers run unutilized in the Province to-day, of which the Talavera alone could irrigate, if put in complete harness, 10,000 hectares of rice land.