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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ For some reason, and with untypical boldness, she took a step forward and walked into the room.
▪ The solemn tone of this story is untypical of her usual style.
▪ The train's 20-minute delay, my Japanese friend informed me, was most untypical.
▪ Also at thirty-one, he reports a brief, untypical lapse to Louise: the desire to chuck in literature.
▪ As a not untypical consumer of financial services, I was annoyed in two ways.
▪ But things taken for granted attract less attention than the striking and untypical.
▪ In an untypical display of linguistic diarrhoea, Mr Head's character finally managed several sentences all in one go this week.
▪ It is at such times that the independence of the Supreme Court is at its greatest, but they are rather untypical.
▪ Something equally untypical happened on the Hikari back to Tokyo, a delay of twenty minutes.
▪ The teachers are not untypical in their problems with two language codes.
▪ These figures, which are not untypical, underline a school's dependence upon parental and non-state support.

a. not typical, atypical, unusual


adj. deviating from or not conforming to type; "atypical behavior..not the accepted type of response that we expect from children"- G.E.Gardner [syn: atypical] [ant: typical]

Usage examples of "untypical".

Vess was again untypical in that she set a bountiful table, and there was no hesitancy or finicking in the way the men pitched into the burgoo of squirrel and deer meat and mixed vegetables.

The model science to which these psychologists aspired was clearly physics rather than biology, a graphic example of the powerful attraction this rather untypical science holds for misguidedly envious non-physicists.

Pham’s own personal experience was limited and surely untypical: poor Cindi had grabbedhim.

A Bureau safe-house can be anything and anywhere - there's one in the basement of the British Consulate in Marseilles and there's one in Madame Labhouet's bordello in Abidjan on the Ivory coast and there's one in the Horacio Escobar Clinic for Enteric Diseases in downtown Santiago - so a psychiatrist's office in Miami, Florida, wasn't untypical.