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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Yvonne's wearing a little black number that to my untutored eye looks like it could have cost ten quid or a thousand.
▪ And I must admit that Mary Shelley began the rumour; but she had to make her impression on an untutored audience.
▪ Andrew was not going to accept rebuke or defeat from this untutored beauty.
▪ Modern art is directed at a public largely untutored in the fine arts amidst a rapid expansion of the means of communication.
▪ The notion of transparent reporting which can be understood by the untutored layman is a chimera.
▪ Yes, I know a large chunk of the child population today is virtually feral, untended and untutored by responsible parents.
▪ Yvonne's wearing a little black number that to my untutored eye looks like it could have cost ten quid or a thousand.

a. untrained, not taught or educated in a field of knowledge


adj. lacking in schooling; "untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient"; "an untutored genius"; "uneducated children" [syn: unschooled, untaught]

Usage examples of "untutored".

Gothard, save the untutored watercourses of the Ticino and the Reuss, and the track of the bouquetin or the chamois?

Judson, that the untutored Burman was finally made willing to secure the welfare of his country by a sincere peace.

This sumptuous creature, this Eve just within the gate of an untried Paradise, untutored in the ways of the world, but on tiptoe to reach the fruit of the tree of knowledge,--alive to the moist vitality of that warm atmosphere palpitating with voices and music, as the flower of some dioecious plant which has grown in a lone corner and suddenly unfolding its corolla on some hot-breathing June evening, feels that the air is perfumed with strange odors and loaded with golden dust wafted from those other blossoms with which its double life is shared,--this almost over-womanized woman might well have bewitched him, but that he had a vague sense of a counter-charm.

The rational mind has difficulty in accepting the fact that they were not untutored half-wits, scatterbrained spinsters or callow adolescents, but the solidest of citizens, often with good education and considerable means doctors, lawyers, weavers, carpenters, journalists, chemists and businessmen.

And a name such an untutored bastard wench like Amabel could never have heard of.

He'd been far too callow and untutored to have had any right to expect to walk away from battlefields at Thouvars or Graziani or Brissel, or those early tourneys at Aulensburg or Landeston in Valensa.

And if hardened debunkers can sense the appeal, what must those untutored in scientific scepticism, like Mr `Buckley', feel?

And if hardened debunkers can sense the appeal, what must those untutored in scientific scepti­cism, like Mr 'Buckley', feel?

He had planted the seed of hatred and revenge within his untutored heart without avail, for he read in the dead bodies of Bududreen's men and the two Dyaks the story of Number Thirteen's defense of the man von Horn had hoped he would kill.

The episcopal leaders of the contending sects, convinced, from experience, how much their fate would depend on the earliest impressions that were made on the mind of an untutored soldier, hastened to the court of Edessa, or Antioch.

And when Dirk had started his usual speech to the effect that his methods, involving as they did the fundamental interconnectedness of all things, often led to expenses that might appear to the untutored eye to be somewhat tangential to the matter in hand, the client had simply waved the matter aside as trifling.

Thus the animal locates itself in space by use of environmental reference points (this is of course more or less what a psychologically untutored lay person might have guessed would happen, but it was not what psychologists brought up on a diet of Skinner would have theorized).

But that's something the meds will decide for medical reasons, not your untutored whims.

To Mark's untutored eye this looked much the same as the original—perhaps rather sparser—but he became aware that Serena Milpitas was nodding, almost wistfully.

So the lust of the courtiers has been channelled into spreading the usual rumors and speculations about me: that I am a slut, that I am a prude, that I am a Sapphist, that I am an untutored virgin, that I am a past mistress of exotic sexual practices.