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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Untuck \Un*tuck"\, v. t. [1st pref. un- + tuck.] To unfold or undo, as a tuck; to release from a tuck or fold.


vb. To remove something from a relatively hidden location or position.

Usage examples of "untuck".

The government was cutting a road through here in August and since this graveyard had gone unused in fifty years the relatives had agreed to untuck all the old bones and pat them snug somewhere else.

The shirt was long-sleeved and untucked over blue jeans and brown boots.

My hands slid under his untucked, button-up shirt with its loud comic book pictures.

Not to mention his shirt was untucked and slightly twisted on his torso.

His hair was mussed and his shirt untucked in a way that might have suggested concern for his child, had it not been for the hands on his hips and the peeved look on his face.

Antonio ran his hands over her body and she put her hands underneath his untucked shirt.

His shirt was untucked, the tails hanging out over his jeans and peeking out from under his denim jacket.

Yasmeena began wearing her blouses untucked, to hide the new fullness of her breasts and the burgeoning rondure of her belly.

Sure enough, there was Rusty, in y khakis and an untucked flannel shirt, laughing bagg and talking in the middle of a pack of his similarly dressed friends.

She untucked his shirt from his breeches, wanting to touch the warm skin underneath.

She wore a plaid flannel shirt, untucked, over a pair of faded blue jeans that was tearing at the seams by her generous hips.

Then Lily and Harvey rolled up their mesh hoods and took off their eyeglasses and rubbed the lenses unimprovingly with untucked corners of their shirttails, all the while expectantly regarding Louis who returned their diminished gazes and attempted to divine what they required of him.

Honora, in her slippers, her blouse untucked from her skirt, her hair wild about her head, walks into the room.

And Tom flounced over, untucking and disarranging everything, in a manner frightful to behold.

He was wearing faded jeans, a shirt that was untucked and buttoned wrong at the bottom, and expensive mocs on bare feet.