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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ In this, of course, the untruthful organization is totally mistaken.
▪ Most of what they do and others do to them is illegal, deceitful and untruthful.
▪ Much better to be untruthful and leave Laura thinking that but for a migraine, they might have spent the night together.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Untruthful \Un*truth"ful\, a. Not truthful; unveracious; contrary to the truth or the fact. -- Un*truth"ful*ly, adv. -- Un*truth"ful*ness, n.


a. 1 Not giving the truth; providing untrue facts; lying. 2 Pertaining to falsehood; corrupt; dishonest.


adj. not expressing or given to expressing the truth; "the statement given under oath was untruthful"; "an untruthful person" [ant: truthful]

Usage examples of "untruthful".

He had not been untruthful when he told Ginger he did not remember, but, more accurately, as unexercised feelings began to stretch and push behind his rib cage, he realized how very thoroughly his memories of Ginger had been suppressed.

After all, he did propose to me once, so I don't suppose he feels very pleased if someone tells him untruthful on dits about my life in France.

In my younger days I was an ardent follower of Charlie, but as I watched this relic from the Old Red Sandstone Period of the cinematic art, I realized that time had bathed the humour of another day in a golden but untruthful light.