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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Results are expressed as the percentage of the untreated control.
▪ Working with a drunk driver population, Lovibond found his moderation training program to be superior to an untreated control condition.
▪ Effects of cimetidine and histamine of the cells were calculated as a percentage of the untreated controls.
▪ Fifteen of the untreated patients were re-evaluated after six and 12 months of gluten free diet.
Patients - 40 previously untreated patients with histologically confirmed, measurable colorectal cancer that was locally recurrent or metastatic.
▪ Used Sanpro products also pose a threat to public health as untreated sewage in our coastal waters.
untreated drinking water
▪ Heatley stayed until 3.30 a.m., when all of the untreated mice had died.
▪ If left untreated, they stop suckling and quickly get weakened.
▪ Left untreated, the disease produces massive skin folds, fissures and a weeping cauliflower surface that produces a terrible odour.
▪ When untreated, narcolepsy can be a dangerous condition.

a. Not treated.

  1. adj. not given medical care or treatment; "an untreated disease"; "the untreated wounded lay on makeshift cots" [ant: treated]

  2. not subjected to chemical or physical treatment; "an untreated fabric" [ant: treated]

  3. (of a specimen for study under a microscope) not treated with a reagent or dye

Usage examples of "untreated".

About half of those with the inhalational form of the disease develop anthrax meningitis if untreated.

If gastrointestinal anthrax is left untreated, about 50 percent of patients will die from the infection.

Untreated chronic disorders such as anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Untreated thyroid conditions, seasonal affective disorder, menopausal or perimenopausal symptoms, or immune-deficiency problems can make a person too exhausted to conjure up a creative new life.

The botulinum toxin is very stable on uncooked foods and untreated beverages.

Over the last few months while he had been in Afghanistan looking for a source of uncut, untreated rubies, she had forgotten just how gorgeous his eyes were.

As long as there were sulfa pills in any drug store and they kept potent in spite of age, Ish saw no need to find out experimentally just how this sore throat would develop, if left untreated.

It was easy to guess this was the road to the woolworks because most of the carts carried untreated fleeces or new bolts of cloth.

There are beginning to be very large databases of RNA chips that have expression data for tens of thousands of genes including normal cells, diseased cells, untreated and treated normal and diseased cells.

Minutes later, Fleetwood galloped furiously out of camp, a cartload of scrapings from the river bed left untreated and his diamond "cradle" abandoned halfway through the process of concentrating the heavier diamondiferous gravel.

Ahrens saying untreated bubonic plague kills people in four or five days, but he can't possibly last that long.

For sheer degree of fetidness, his untreated morning breath matched any odor rising from the surrounding bog.

His family had been Tien's least concern, judging by his performance while he was alive, or else he would not have left her destitute, himself secretly dishonored, and Nikki untreated for a serious genetic disease.

Why perform expensive and complicated reconstruction, when untreated gum disease threatens to nullify it soon anyway?

The rear verandah, built of untreated 2x4's, has quietly rotted away, and the sliding door in the kitchen has been braced shut with a hockey stick to prevent the unwary from straying into the suburban abyss.

The fabrics chiefly used by the Fremen were cotton, almost all of it imported at considerable expense from the factories of Loomar It came in a variety of weights and served both for clothing and decorative hangings The best Loomar cottons, fabulously expensive, were frequently used as part of the bride price in the upper classes, in which water-rings (though still valuable) meant less than they did to the desert Fremen Wool was likewise imported, usually mat woven from the merino sheep of Norstnlia This absorbent fabric served chiefly for outer cloaks, although the bleached but otherwise untreated fleece might grace a couch in the bedroom of a lady of taste and quality Saiucan glassdoth was a spun fabnc of relatively low abrasion resistance which was widely used for the mass produced (and hence inferior) stiflsuits, but only as the outer layers One final fabnc was called Alphamet, an extremely lightweight and finely woven metallic cloth that accentuated the figure and embraced the skin while it .