a. 1 Not translated; in the original language. 2 (context biochemistry English) Not converted from a processed mRNA sequence into a protein.
Usage examples of "untranslated".
They were gathered around it, conversing in barely audible and untranslated roars and grumbles.
The couple had been with her for almost six years, and yet Karl was a mask--- a talking, breathing, untranslated hieroglyph running her errands on stilted legs.
Ponter, Hak having apparently guessed the meaning of the untranslated word.
His voice-light shimmered, calling to his brother in a clatter and squeal of untranslated Hydran.
To this work, as yet untranslated, every subsequent writer is necessarily indebted, and the present volume, which I may fairly claim to be the fullest life of Haydn that has so far appeared in English, is largely based upon Pohl.
All he could tell from the tone of their untranslated thoughts was whether they were sad or happy, angry or afraid.
His first diary shows his uneasiness about the institution of slavery, and notes on untranslated parts reveal that the uneasiness widened till he was ready to reject the entire religio-legal system of his people.
Notes that summarize untranslated parts of her autobiography show that Eve understood what was happening to her people quite as clearly as the Mad Prophet did.
Diggs, shouting to be heard above the din created by the untranslated alien voices, and the ancient comic made his way carefully to the table.
Some of the sounds were untranslated, apparently not logged into the dedicated subprocessor.
Smith, a pioneer American Egyptologist, bought the papyrus from a dealer in Luxor in 1862, but as his knowledge of Egyptian was insufficient to translate the technical language of the manuscript, he left it untranslated, and his heirs gave it to the New York Historical Society.