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a. Not able to be translated. n. A word or phrase that is impossible to translate satisfactorily from one language to another.


adj. not capable of being put into another form or style or language; "an untranslatable idiom"; "untranslatable art" [ant: translatable]

Usage examples of "untranslatable".

Clearly it was not style, for style in itself was untranslatable, but it was that high theurgic magic that made the English Don Quixote, roughly traduced by some Jervas, perhaps the best of all English books.

But May was one of the few people who could meet Edwin blow for blow, word for word, arcane term for arcane term, and she countered his Latin with an untranslatable ol her own.

Their crowns entwined and crisscrossed and whispered with rain, and bowed and shifted as troops of monkeys passed through them like currents of wind, leaping from crown to crown, crying their untranslatable cries.

Robinson, among others, was untranslatable into Spanglish because of them.

The wizard had cast spells enabling himself to understand what the dwarves and orcs said, but the term the orcish leader had used seemed untranslatable.

Freddie had proved to be nothing more than an innkeeper and ladies’ man, the idiom for ladies’ man untranslatable but connotating a greedy infant always at its mother’s nipple--in short, unmanly.

The metacetacean language form from Inhoplae hung etched in ghostly, agraphic cuneiform, a syntactic skeleton, untranslatable in his mind.

Like the college professor he was, Kittredge groped only for big words, and, finding no apt ones, he coined a lot of untranslatable new ones.