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''This article is about the OF-1с rank Unterleutnant in german speaking countries, comparable to Mladshy leytenant OF1-c in Slavophone countries. However, it should not confused to the more junior Midshipman, or to the more senior OF1-b-ranks Ensing, Second lieutenant, or Pilot officer.

[[ Leib Garde Husar Potsdam.jpg|thumb|200px|

Prussian "Unterleutnant" (1870)]]

Unterleutnant (NPA-original abbreviation Ultn.; en: translation "Under-lieutenant" or "sub-lieutenant") was an officer of the German Democratic Republic's army (e.g. the National People's Army from 1956–1990) of the lowest commissioned officer (CO) rank comparable to NATO rank codes OF1c. It belonged to the rank group of lieutenants or subaltern officers. The equivalent OF1c-rank of the Volksmarine was Unterleutnant zur See (en: "sub-lieutenant at sea").

The rank was first introduced in 1662-74 by France and was also adopted by some other countries' armed forces.

  1. MEYERS UNIVERSALLEXIKON, 3rd edition 1980, order number: 576 970 2, licence number: 433 130/198/80, volume III, page 218-219 «National People´s Army and Border troops of the GDR – rank, figure 14 Unterleutnant.↩