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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unswathe \Un*swathe"\, v. t. [1st pref. un- + swathe.] To take a swathe from; to relieve from a bandage; to unswaddle.


vb. (context transitive English) To remove a swathe from.

Usage examples of "unswathe".

It was lit by hundreds of candles in a great crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and since this had been unswathed from its holland covering three days before so that both footmen and the pantry boy could wash and polish its lustres, it sparkled like a collection of mammoth diamonds.

Having taken good care of himself and obeyed the doctor, he felt well enough to rise unswathed to the emergency.

Then they unswathed it, and propped upright before the pedestal the gangrenous corpse of a corpulent old man with stubbly beard and unkempt white hair.

As Ruth carefully unswathed it, on the piecrust table in the living room, Pat gave an exclamation.

The very idea that this house in all its unswathed glory could have been hers lacked plausibility now the Prince had gone from her life.

John Vansittart Smith that this mummy had never been unswathed before.

He pinged a fingernail against the creamy ceramic muzzle of the 15-cm gun unswathed for inspection in the hold and said, "Well, that's the goods, all right.