Crossword clues for unsure
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. 1 uncertain 2 unstable or precarious
adj. lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance; "uncertain of his convictions"; "unsure of himself and his future"; "moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps"; "an uncertain smile"; "touched the ornaments with uncertain fingers" [syn: uncertain, incertain] [ant: certain(p), certain(p)]
not safe from danger or mishap; "faced an uncertain future"; "an unsure existence" [syn: uncertain]
lacking self-confidence; "stood in the doorway diffident and abashed"; "problems that call for bold not timid responses"; "a very unsure young man" [syn: diffident, shy, timid]
Usage examples of "unsure".
Unsure that the afflicted child had accurately named her tormentor, Putnam and Cheever devised a scheme to test her reliability.
For a few seconds, he hesitated there, apparently unsure of himself for the first time--made so by fatigue or by the thought of Bonner, and whatever difficulties that name represented.
Or was her mother just feeling self conscious about her mastectomy and unsure of herself?
Unsure of how to proceed, the counselor looked to the table at his side and at the red-scriven scroll outspread there.
But when Avall bent to inspect it more closely, he saw file marks everywhere, and overcuts, and the unsure curves of some of the smaller windows.
Randy approached and palped its contents cautiously, unsure of what to do with the strange offering.
Jasentha knew what had to be said about the petroglyphs but was unsure how to start.
Harry frowned as he walked back to Privet Drive, unsure what to make of this.
Wulfric turned his quizzing glass upon the young man, unsure whether he was being subtly reprimanded for being high in the instep or whether he was being treated as some sort of comrade who was expected to agree that out-and-outers made more desirable companions than ladies with refined manners.
Around the circle some of the males sparred, sudden, snarling encounters that ended almost as quickly as they began, and Cherenkova found herself unsure if the bouts were serious or playful.
Unsure, I picked up the bottle, uncorked it, and waved a hand across the neck, wafting fumes toward my nose.
The pipes under pent of the crag, Where the goatherds in piping recline, Have whimsical stops, burst and flag Uncorrected as outstretched swine: For the fingers are slack and unsure, And the wind issues querulous:- thorns And snakes!
The first tendrils of smoke sniffed lazily around the trunk as the trooper twisted, unsure whether to try to rescue Menemsha or unpile the traffic for retreat.
We spoke in Afrikaans and in the usual tones, mine kindly but authori tative, his hesitant and unsure whether he was to expect demand, rebuke or a request he would be reluctant to stir for.
Milan there had been a gathering of delegates from Cremona, Mantua, Bergamo, and perhaps also Piacenza and Parma, but that was unsure.