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a. Not suppressed.


adj. given vent to; "unsuppressed rage"; "unsuppressed feelings"

Usage examples of "unsuppressed".

He was towering over her, his eyes wide with unsuppressed fury, his angry complexion a startling contrast to his light hair.

A year afterward Sam Folwell learned that his hereditary, unsuppressed enemy was living in New York City.

Still, when the halfling rejoined Pinch, Therin, and Maeve, his face was a bubble of unsuppressed glee.

Felicity retorted, her tone hard and filled with unsuppressed dislike.

His brilliance was enhanced, rather than tempered, by his unsuppressed emotionalism.

Gunfire sounded, unsuppressed but muffled, outside the walls of the building.

He reclined into the couch with an air of unsuppressed enjoyment of the outlandish scene that was unfolding.

Don Hernandez in unsuppressed eagerness, smiling happily at his brother.

She laughed, sputtering in the falling water, in unsuppressed relishing of his infinite physical invention.

Their inherent and unsuppressed wildness made them that much more useful in such occupations as prison work.

Most of them were from the barbaric tribes nearer the frozen Hub, which had a sort of export trade in heroes Almost all of them had crude magic swords, whose unsuppressed harmonics on the astral plane played hell with any delicate experiments in applied sorcery for miles around, but Rincewind didn't object to them on that score.