Crossword clues for unsupported
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. 1 Without physical support. 2 For which support or help is not available. 3 Without confirmation from a credible source, without verifying support
Usage examples of "unsupported".
Although it was unsupported either by the exclusionists or the limitationists, and although it was contemptibly managed, there had been a moment of serious danger.
As a rule, Martialists are both, and not without reason, to believe any unsupported statement that might be prompted by interest or vanity.
Finally, the several classes of facts which have been considered in this chapter, seem to me to proclaim so plainly, that the innumerable species, genera, and families of organic beings, with which this world is peopled, have all descended, each within its own class or group, from common parents, and have all been modified in the course of descent, that I should without hesitation adopt this view, even if it were unsupported by other facts or arguments.
The stolon, however, did not circumnutate when it first began to bend down, as may be observed in the present diagram, and as was still more evident in the last case, when a longer portion of the stolon was left unsupported.
Her body, the blank subjunctive tense that he has conjugated in a thousand unsupported persons, has walked through his door tonight.
The sects themselves have a half unavowed conviction that they cannot subsist forever as sects, if unsupported by the civil authority.
Baron Tcharlz and his sketchily armed partisans hunted down and slew or enslaved almost every one of the now unsupported and unsupplied troops remaining ashore.
Parties of brave men struggled up to the very abattis of the Redan, and there, unsupported and powerless, were shot down.
William Mactavish, Governor of Assiniboin, has resigned his post, and I have only been restrained from following his example, for a short time, in the hope that a remedy would speedily be applied, and that I should be relieved from the unfair position in which I find myself placed, with all the responsibility, and the semblance of authority over a vast territory, but unsupported, if not ignored, by the Crown.
The triple-damned Moorish bastards have never needed much excuse to sail out and prey on honest shipping, and the mere unsupported rumor, without a single grain of truth to it, that old Abdul might have been poisoned has got them allfrom Sidi Barani to Beni Safarmed and at sea after gold and slaves and anything else they can lay hands on.
I sketched as fast as the musket ball would allow, wishing I had a copper plate and a drypoint for my work instead of this flapping, unsupported paper.
This theory, as foolish and as unsupported as the Baconian theory of Shakespeare, has been carelessly accepted, or at all events accepted as possible, by many good scholars who have never taken the trouble to look into the matter for themselves.
If you did, you would not have let Harrison, a bad man, play mischief with us so long undisturbed, and you would now not leave a good man unsupported, while you seem to be as much afraid of our rascal caciques as we are.
One is by observing whether the mass of minds is better trained and disciplined than formerly, less liable to delusions, better able to detect fallacies, more logical, and less likely to be led away by novelties in speculation, or by theories that are unsupported by historic evidence or that are contradicted by a knowledge of human nature.
Unsupported clothing came folding down on top of former bodies until, under the tremendous surge of disassembling energy from Pickett, even they began to come apart.