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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
an unsung hero (=someone whose bravery or effort is not noticed or recognized)
▪ These volunteers are the unsung heroes of the campaign.
▪ The ground crews within the Army Air Corps are generally the unsung heroes behind everything we do.
▪ Tonight we meet some of the unsung heroes of Inspector Morse - the extras.
▪ This country is full of unsung heroes.
▪ Jimmy Wilde - one of the great unsung heroes of Crystal Palace, until today!
▪ They were the unsung heroes of the whole appeal.
▪ Les Stocker is another unsung hero in the Honours List.
▪ They indicate that the big lad from West Birk Hatt is probably one of the finest unsung heroes of the last war.
▪ But in times of tight elections these unsung regions become political hubs, and their votes are coveted prizes.
▪ He is the unsung and unseen dynamic in the infancy narratives.
▪ In other words, he was supposed to slip through the back door into the country, unseen, unheard and unsung.
▪ The £8 million restoration and conservation of Carlton Place - one of Glasgow's unsung riverside masterpieces - is almost complete.
▪ Their song, or their dirge, remained unsung, or at any rate unheard.
▪ This country is full of unsung heroes.
▪ Tonight we meet some of the unsung heroes of Inspector Morse - the extras.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., "not uttered in a song," from un- (1) "not" + past participle of sing (v.). Similar formation in German ungesungen. Meaning "not celebrated" is recorded from 1660s.


a. 1 Which has not been lauded or appreciated. 2 Not sung.

  1. adj. not rendered in song; "their dirge was unsung"

  2. not famous or acclaimed; "an obscure family"; "unsung heroes of the war" [syn: obscure, unknown]

  3. having value that is not acknowledged [syn: unappreciated, unvalued]

Unsung (EP)
For the 1992 single by alternative metal band Helmet, see Unsung (song).

Unsung is an EP released on December 6, 2005 by Christian Hardcore/ Mathcore group The Chariot. It contains two new songs and four re-worked versions of songs from their debut album Everything Is Alive, Everything Is Breathing, Nothing Is Dead, and Nothing Is Bleeding.

Unsung (song)

"Unsung" is a single by the American alternative metal band Helmet from their 1992 album, Meantime. A music video was produced for "Unsung" and found significant airplay on MTV in the early 1990s. "Unsung" is recorded in drop D tuning on both guitars and bass, and begins with a bass intro. Its stop-and-go dynamics and catchy rhythm made it somewhat of a flagship of the growing 1990s alternative metal scene. In 1991, a full year before the release of Meantime, Amphetamine Reptile records issued the "Unsung" 7" record (scale 41), featuring an earlier recording of the song.

Unsung (TV series)

Unsung is an hour-long music documentary program that airs on TV One. The series, which premiered November 27, 2008, uncovers the stories behind once well-known R&B and soul music artists, bands, or groups who exploded onto the Billboard music charts with a string of hits, only to have their career derailed by a major crisis that caused them to be essentially unappreciated by later generations of contemporary R&B and soul music listeners. Subjects profiled also include acts who were major and influential in the prime of their career, but a change in the interest of the music industry towards the act caused a steep decline in success.

Episodes are packed with testimonies from music industry insiders, friends, and family, as well as artists who were contemporaries but whose careers continued to flourish through later decades.


Unsung may refer to:

  • "Unsung" (song), a song by alternative metal band Helmet
  • Unsung (EP), an EP by Christian metalcore band The Chariot
  • Unsung: A History of Women in American Music, a book by Christina Ammer
  • Unsung (TV series), a music documentary television series
    • Unsung Hollywood, a spinoff of the Unsung music documentary TV series
  • "Unsung", a song by Pink Floyd from The Endless River

Usage examples of "unsung".

But at the other end of the spectrum was Jon Postel, the unsung hero of networking.

Demonland should there die evilly before their time, unhonoured, unsung.

With prosperous wing full summed, to tell of deeds Above heroic, though in secret done, And unrecorded left through many an age: Worthy to have not remained so long unsung.

He had hardly begun to say the precious words of redemption when a bullet blasted into his heart and he fell to the ground to die beside his brothers, and went unsung and unshepherded to heaven.

Chinese were first in the tea fields, and that undoubtedly the plant was a native of both China and Japan when it was slumbering on the slopes of India, unpicked, unsteeped, undrunk, unhonored, and unsung.

Every thirtieth Lantiff was an officer, apparently unarmed, and it was these officers who wielded the deadliest weapon, the tube of lens that some unsung Lantian len grinder had invented.

Their glorious institutions, their unequalled freedom, were, of course, not left unsung.

In other words, special rootedness in the biosphere can indeed be reasonably claimedthere is literally a million years of rich tradition of the wise woman who feels the currents of embodiment in nature and communion, and celebrates it with healing rituals and knowing ways of connecting wisdom, a wisdom that does not worship merely the agentic sun and its glaring brightness, but finds in the depths and the organic dark the ways of being linked in relationship, that puts care above power and nurturance above self-righteousness, that reweaves the fragments with concern, and midwifes the communions and the unsung connections that sustain us each and all.

Despite those titles, power and pelf, The wretch, concentred all in self, Living, shall forfeit fair renown, And doubly dying, shall go down To the vile dust from whence he sprung, Unwept, unhonoured and unsung.

I studied the cistern for a while, and then removed the top, revealing its guts -- the ball valve and associated gimmickry invented by that unsung genius, Thomas Crapper.

In this way, Arthur, just being Arthur, cheered the Soul of Britain — a deed unsung yet no less worthy than any lauded by the bards.

Stoat began to explain his unsung role in the machinations of representative government, but the one-eyed man slammed a fist so hard on the polished wood that Stoat's picture frames toppled.

The memory of most men is an abandoned cemetery where lie, unsung and unhonored, the dead whom they have ceased to cherish.

First you were an unsung hero, then you lost your innocence, then your wings - until a beautiful and intelligent girl came along and pulled you out of the nose-dive.

He would later become a Jedi Master and an unsung hero of the Clone Wars.