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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unstriped \Un*striped"\, a.

  1. Not striped.

  2. (Nat. Hist.) Without marks or striations; nonstriated; as, unstriped muscle fibers.


a. Not striped.

Usage examples of "unstriped".

It was what was called the sabertooth tiger or smilodon, and its fur was tawny and unstriped.

The movement is effected, as we know from Kölliker's interesting discovery, by the contraction of minute, unstriped, involuntary muscles,[17] often called arrectores pili, which are attached to the capsules of the separate hairs, feathers, &c.

How can the contraction of the unstriped and involuntary arrectores pili have been coordinated with that of various voluntary muscles for the same special purpose?

Its most important use is in relief of painful spasmodic affections of the unstriped muscles, as in lead colic and irritable bladder.