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vb. (context transitive English) To remove the stopper from.

Usage examples of "unstopper".

Olive said decisively, unstoppering her own vial and quaffing the gray mixture in three gulps.

She unstoppered it and stared at it like it held the keys to the kingdom.

A simple answer: something to stopper up whatever it was that seemed to be coming unstoppered within him, a last trick question to be disposed of, clear the field finally and for good.

Smiling, he unstoppered the tiny vial and let a dark liquid drop onto his fingertip.

Instead he walked past Tamara, who was in the act of unstoppering the Bessarabian Body Oil, and made his way downstairs.

She cleaned the wound with deft fingers and then she unstoppered two of the little buck-horn containers that she wore on her belt and with the powder they contained made a poultice.

Maybe work my way further around where I can get some clear pictures of the truck, the license plate, and, if we’re lucky, the driver actually unstoppering the tank.

He bowed to the aiming table at the forward end of the bridge, unstoppered the voice pipe and spoke into it.