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a. Not stacked

Usage examples of "unstacked".

Sir Terent helped divide the food into the wooden trenchers that Lyias unstacked and held for him.

Beside him, the Bishop unstacked her long, fragile fingers and stacked them together differently, as if observing the patterns made by the shadows of those bony knuckles.

Since the cylinders were no longer in coffins, they had to be individually unstacked, serial numbers verified, end caps safety-checked, etcetera, etcetera.

Dale walked past the main building, noted the high stack of firewood there and the chopping stump and the ax embedded in it and the pile of wood chips and unstacked wood, looking as if the owners were preparing for a hard winter, and then he was waiting for the teenaged boy in khaki pants and a green Pine Barrens Canoe Rental shirt to finish helping two women shove off into the easy current.

Exactly like the photograph, except that the tables had been unstacked and the six of them were standing around.

Methodically she unstacked them until she could reach the one at the very bottom.

She unstacked them quietly, unlocked the door, looked out, spotted the paper, reached out and grabbed it.

Sir Terent helped divide the food into the wooden trenchers that Lyias unstacked and held for him.

Peter, Martha, and Rick deftly unstacked the towers-a nerve-racking business to watch-while Greg and Carol and Mickey went after the instrumentation and the wind generator.