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a. Not spilled

Usage examples of "unspilled".

The sight of those unspilled tears caused his gut to tighten, and undid him more than any words she might have uttered.

Tam had brought in still stood by the fireplace, miraculously unspilled and untouched.

He carefully set down his mug of tea, which had somehow survived unspilled, and put an arm around the sobbing woman.

The wound on his neck was angry and ugly, glistening with unspilled blood.

Sigfrid shook his head, all the time regarding Ivar with an expression brimming with unspilled joy.

The tightness in his loins ached with the force of his unspilled seed.

Ralph sits bare-assed and wincing on the linoleum, a kimono-style robe wide open and roughly tugged above her thick waist, a miraculously unspilled drink in her hand.

They climbed two ladders and they reached the quarterdeck, Standish still carrying his cup of tea unspilled, and there in that golden morning were all the officers at the leeward rail - leeward, but only just, so gentle was the moving air.