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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unsound \Un*sound"\, a. Not sound; not whole; not solid; defective; infirm; diseased. [1913 Webster] -- Un*sound"ly, adv. -- Un*sound"ness, n.


n. the state of being unsound


n. a condition of damage or decay [ant: soundness]

Usage examples of "unsoundness".

Capitalist System as it was called, came to disaster in the second and third decades of the twentieth century because of the disproportionate development of its industrial production, the unsoundness and vulnerability of its monetary nexus, and its political inadaptability.

As the gravity of economic and political problems increased and the structural unsoundness of the world became more manifest, sexual preoccupations seem to have afforded a sort of refuge from the mental strain demanded by the struggle.

There must be a test by which to separate the opposing elements so as to build only from the sound, and that test is a sufficiently liberal one which accepts as sound whoever will make a sworn recantation of his former unsoundness.

But Thou, Lord, Governor of heavenly and earthly things, who convertest to Thy purposes the deepest torrents, and disposest the turbulent current of the ages, 693 healest one soul by the unsoundness of another.