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adv. In an unsmiling way.


adv. without smiling; in an unsmiling manner; "unsmilingly, he greeted his in-laws" [ant: smilingly]

Usage examples of "unsmilingly".

She sidled up to the bar and unsmilingly snatched the pouch of moonmist Keeper offered her with mock courtliness.

The clerk turned unsmilingly to one of his superiors and asked him some question in German which March could not catch, perhaps because it formed no part of a conversation with a barber, a bootmaker or a banker.

He told us unsmilingly he was not sure El Comandante would agree to the proposal.

Ralph asked, and Harry grabbed his shoulders and the two of them spun together in a yelling, stomping dance of jubilation on the narrow ledge, while Bazo leaned against the seam of black coal and watched them unsmilingly.