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  1. Not furnished with a shoulder-shaped joint or protrusion. v

  2. (en-past of: unshoulder)

Usage examples of "unshouldered".

He unshouldered his own pack and opened it, digging out his red medical kit.

He unshouldered his rucksack and took a swig of water, rolling it about in his mouth to enjoy it as much as possible before swallowing.

When Jack had unshouldered the backpack, handed it over, Singer pawed through it for some minutes in growing distaste and frustration.

Jack Sawyer unshouldered his pack at the end of a long playing field covered with crisp brown dead grass.

Matson looked at Cass, who unshouldered her weapon, and they slipped off to the left and were soon lost to the woods.

She found an open lane, punched her ID into the touchpad and unshouldered her weapon.

Killian, the Singer of Green Silences, Goddess of Foresters, as they unshouldered their bows.

She unshouldered the tricorder and approached the area which had, ten years earlier, swallowed her shuttlecraft.

Sometimes the formation would break and banners were unshouldered while the thirsty and exhausted sat round three-legged pots over picnic fires.

Norman unshouldered his duffel bags and placed them upon the bar counter.

McVries sighed deeply, then unshouldered his knapsack and pulled out some macaroons.

Kihan, the Singer of Green Silences, Goddess of Foresters, as they unshouldered their bows.