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a. Not shocked.

Usage examples of "unshocked".

Three groups (A-C) would be trained on water, three (D-F) on the methylanthranilate, and amongst both water and methylanthranilate birds, one group (A and D) would be unshocked (or rather, to be sure, 'sham' shocked - I would go through the motions of shocking them but with the current turned off), one group shocked immediately after training (B and E) and one shocked after a delay (C and F).

What's more, the shock itself is without effect on this biochemical measure, as can be seen by comparing the shocked and unshocked water-trained birds.

U - unshocked group, showing expected increase in methylanthranilatetrained birds.

Refreshed, unshocked, he turns to face me, comically waves farewell up to where he thinks I'm standing, and drops backward to float with his arms outstretched.

He, alone of the four leaders, seemed unshocked by the course of events, undisturbed by them, even, inexplicably, at peace.