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a. Not having had the shell removed.

Usage examples of "unshelled".

SPRIM was the Society for the Protection of the Rights of Intelligent Minorities, and MM, Mutant Minorities, two agencies that spoke up on behalf of shellpeople who ran into difficulties with unshelled bureaucracy.

The command to decipher was present at the start, driving the first clunky, unshelled, self-duping, primitive amino-assembler.

Sitting at his terminals he can scan the world and control everything he touches, but now he is unshelled in front of a closed house on a deserted residential street in Palm Beach, Florida, and when he goes to the front door anything can happen.

Filaments of scents, threads of odors, were worked through the shuttle, plated on the loom: cook-house grease, hot popcorn, hot unshelled peanuts, diesel fuel, sawdust, cotton candy, molten caramel from the fragrantly steaming vats in the candy-apple stands.

The following Christmas my mother placed a dish of unshelled walnuts on the coffee table.

He could see and respond to the necessary changes in traffic patterns faster than any unshelled human.

She eased him over the wooden box and slid him down into the piles of unshelled corn.

Corn not only in its facsimile, but in reality, some of the tent entrances being framed by bound shocks and festooned with garlands of dried husks and leaves, and bunches of unshelled ears, their kernels yellow, red, brown, some variegated with all three.

Two or three boys were up on the roof of the Grange porch, festooning the entrance with corn garlands, while Jim Minerva stood on a ladder, attaching to the corners bunches of unshelled Indian cobs.

Dishes of unshelled peanuts sat beside toilet paper squares improvising as napkins.

Despite his disquiet, he could not bring himself to contemplate the wriggling, unshelled larvae that must even now be jostling for room within her womb.

Wizened and white, with brown blotches on her face the size and complexity of unshelled peanuts, Midge had a jitter in her head that made her bob in her pew like a chicken trying to make up its mind what to peck.

They got little warmth from the fire, though, for the Honus were feeling the chill of the evening and ringed the blaze with their giant shells, blocking the warmth from the unshelled members of the party.

Observe the difference between the chunk of mutton and four feet of string with which one goes crabbing, and the complicated hooks, rods, flies, and reels devoted to the capture of unshelled fish.

An unshelled fish is lively and elusive past the power of words to portray, and in this, undoubtedly, lies its desirability.