Crossword clues for unsex
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Unsex \Un*sex"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Unsexed; p. pr. & vb. n. Unsexing.] [1st pref. un- + sex.] To deprive of sex, or of qualities becoming to one's sex; esp., to make unfeminine in character, manners, duties, or the like; as, to unsex a woman.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
vb. 1 To deprive of sexual attributes or characteristics. 2 To sterilize (deprive of the ability to procreate); to castrate.
v. deprive of sex or sexual powers
remove the qualities typical of one's sex; "She unsexed herself"
make infertile; "in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disbilites are sterilized" [syn: sterilize, sterilise, desex, desexualize, desexualise, fix]
Usage examples of "unsex".
But his lance, inscribed with the name of the Grail, had already unsexed the young king, and its head, broken off, remained in the excruciating wound.
Having no love for her mate and having become a more powerful brute, the savage Alalus woman soon came to treat the members of the opposite sex with contempt and brutality with the result that the power, or at least the desire, to initiate love ceased to exist in the heart of the malehe could not love a creature he feared and hated, he could not respect or admire the unsexed creatures that the Alali women had become, and so he fled into the forests and the jungles and there the dominant females hunted him lest their race perish from the earth.
Unsex me here And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full Of direst cruelty!
Add to these the foul remnants of every popular insurrection and dictatorship, beasts of prey like Jourdain of Avignon, and Fournier the American, women like Théroigne, Rose Lacombe, and the tricoteuses of the Convention who have unsexed themselves, the amnestied bandits and other gallows birds who, for lack of a police, have a wide range, street-rollers and vagabonds, rebels against labor and discipline, the whole of that class in the center of civilization which preserves the instincts of savages, and asserts the sovereignty of the people to glut a natural appetite for license, laziness, and ferocity.
And the bodies around her, like hers, had been boyish, unsexed by unrelenting exercise, even menstruation delayed by the effort to be the best gymnasts in the world.
Isaiah was the only male presence anywhere in the valley—even the videotaping personnel were recruited and trained from among the women in the commune—and Isaiah was not so much a male as a man of God, unsexed by saintliness, neutered by his juxtaposition to the Afterlife.
Earlier in the springtime they had purchased unsexed mail-order chicks because the birds-came cheaper unsexed.
To say nothing of male tyranny - a wife or a daughter being a mere chattel in most codes of law or custom - and brute force - to say nothing of that, hundreds of thousands of girls are in effect unsexed every generation: and barren women are as much despised as eunuchs.
But his lance, inscribed with the name of the Grail, had already unsexed the young king, and its head, broken off, remained in the excruciating wound.
But there was no denying that the woman's explanations were satisfactory enough — a visit to the West Indies could be made by any woman without unsexing herself, and she had clearly come to Porto Bello and Panama against her will.